Re-Thinking Sugar Free Foods

I've joined a lot of WW groups on Facebook. There are many posts with recipes that include sugar free products. As people post about how AMAZING and AWESOME and TERRIFIC all these food are - Premier Protein, Sugar-Free Jello, Sugar-Free Cake Mixes, Diet Creamers, etc. - I immediately either buy them at the grocery store or order them from Amazon. And at least 90% of the time, I don't care for them. The artificial sweeteners leave a bad taste in my mouth, and that cloying sweet taste gets to be overwhelming after the first few tastes. 

This morning I decided to try "one more time" to like Premier Protein as my coffee creamer. I had tried it a few years ago and didn't like it. I thought that perhaps they'd improved it since then. Really, people keep posting about how it is SOOOO delicious! So I tried it again and the first few sips were pretty good. However, then I simply couldn't drink anymore. It was THAT bad. I drank about 1/4 of my coffee, and poured out the rest. 

Sugar free generally means they've substituted artificial sweeteners for the sugar. I want to decrease the sugar I consume, but I want to do it naturally and not via artificial sweeteners. This is a lifestyle change, and that means I don't want to spend the rest of my life eating food with artificial sweeteners.  I want to train my body to be satisfied with eating healthy and natural foods in moderation to sustain a healthy body.

The only things I've really enjoyed are the muffins I made from sugar-free chocolate cake mix combined with a couple eggs and a can of pure pumpkin. Those were really good. I liked the muffins made from the sugar-free yellow cake mix with pumpkin and eggs, too. I will try the sugar-free brownie mix with whatever it is the recipe calls for. 

I want to concentrate on eating fruits and vegetables and lean meats - exercising and walking - being outside more - painting more - reading more - and forget about gimmicks to cut down on calories.

Thus, tomorrow I will gather up all the Premier Protein and other items loaded with artificial sweeteners that I tried and didn't like - and I will get rid of them. I gave them a try, and they're not for me.
