15 1/2 Months and Counting

Over 15 months have gone by since I had gastric bypass and hiatal hernia repair surgery at Vanderbilt Hospital. I have lost about 75 pounds. My weight has been between 141 and 145 for the past almost six months. Up 2-3 pounds, down 2-3 pounds. I obviously have found a new set point in my weight. My health - blood pressure, cholesterol, A1c, general levels of energy and optimism are greatly improved. 

What has really surprised me in some ways and not in others is how strong those lifelong habits of overeating are ingrained in my psyche. It has been both frustrating and fascinating to realize their power and influence on me.  Even knowing how overeating and eating too quickly will result in immediate nausea, I STILL find myself automatically eating too much and too fast almost daily at times. My goodness!  Those ingrained habits are hard to break. However I am slowly overcoming them.  
